Winter season is training season. We have about 26 horses in the stable at the moment for training. Some of them are inside for the very first time and learn the basics; some have been in before but need some more training. Others are already quite experienced and we are working on improving their gaits to get the best out of every horse. It is really good to have a small riding hall to start and also for the more experienced guys it is a great exercise to do some ground work in between. Every once and now we also let them all run together to build up muscles and keep the spirit up. The stallion Smyrill frá Hvammi 2 who is father to some of our foals is also inside and is very easy going with a great character!

In between it is fun to go for the local competitions. Lilja and Fífill frá Röðli won the fourgait in their class which was Fífill's first competition ever! End of february there was a competition called Grímutölt where most of the riders dress up in costumes. Always fun! Unfortunately the ice competition was canceled last weekend due to the bad weather forecast. Let's hope they find another date while the ice is still thick enough. We have a really stormy winter here this year but also beautiful days in between which we then enjoy even more.

Haukur has been to Finland the last weekend of February for a trading fair to represent Íslandshestar. Many finish friends have showed up. Always good to see happy customers and meet new people who are interested in the icelandic horse and about traveling to Iceland.