Now we are back from a long weekend in Germany. We spent 4 days at the fair trade "Pferd & Jagd" in Hannover, Germany. It was nice to see many faces again that have been riding with us or one of our partners of Íslandshestar. Many people were interested in coming to Iceland to experience the Icelandic horse in its home country. Some tours are already sold out for next summer! We also had some virtual reality glasses with us from "Horses of Iceland" which were a lot of fun for kids and grown-ups alike. Looking forward to see you all again in Iceland in real! Friday evening we also watched the great show "Nacht der Pferde" with Lorenzo among other things. And Saturday we spent a relaxed evening on the Christmas market in Hannover.

Here in the north, a bad storm is approaching. Strong winds with lots of snow are expected in the next 48h. Hopefully it won't do any harm. Keep your fingers crossed!